We hope you have the greatest day ever celebrating your 18th birthday! You have and continue to enrich our lives and everyone else lucky enough to meet you. You continue to amaze us with your strength, courage and grace for life. Keep Believing, Keep Fighting and more importantly Keep Winning! We are so proud of you!
We Love you!
Mom, Dad, Connor & Team Kendall!
Hope you have the happiest birthday possible. You are a sweet and beautiful young woman. You have inspired so many people with you strength.
My prayers is that you will continue to live a full and prosperous and happy life.
H A P P Y B I R T H D A Y!!!!!
When I was 18 the Vietnam war was just ending! This is a brand new age. I’m so glad there are young people like you, Kenny, to pick up the torch and show others the way. There are more things to fear and fret over than ever. But there is more to hope for than at any point in history. Kenny you were born for these times. You were born to fight cancer. You were born to exhibit courage. Grace in the face of adversity. Keep showing the rest of us what true joy looks like. I thank God that He let me be a part of your incredible life. Love, Dr. F
Happy Birthday Kendal. Love to your parents. Your family is in my prayers. Keep winning, keep smiling. Sue Williams
Happy Birthday Kendall! Wishing you all the joy and happiness your heart can contain.
A belated Happy Birthday to you, Kendall! We hope you had a day full of whatever you wished for. You remain in our thoughts and prayers. ☺
Our whole family is blessed and proud to be able to say, “Yes, Kendall is our Daughter, Sister, Granddaughter, Niece, Cousin.” You are also part of another family of endless supporters, whom have known your inspiration and felt your Love. Hugging you on your 18th Birthday is ‘The Greatest Gift’- for us. We love you so much. Nana and Frank
Happy Birthday Kendall. I hope your day is filled with love laughter and lots of fun.
Kendall!! You’re 18!!! Happy birthday, Girl! You are loved by all, and blessed by God. Keep up your amazing attitude and let us stand with you as God’s plan is revealed. Please be in touch when you get a free minute. We need to try another great lunch spot. Love and blessings. Sara.
Happy Birthday and a “boatload” of good wishes to you for a good year ahead! I love Dr. Fintel’s message. What an awesome message. You’re a champ!
Susan Powell
Hope your birthday was as special as you are. Keep fighting and winning! Love to you all!
Happiest of Happy Birthday wishes to you Kendall!
Best wishes always~