Thank You Radford Bobcats

Thank you for the support you showed us at the game last night. We really appreciate all of you and want you to know how much it means to our family that Team Kendall continues to gain new friends and love. We are so blessed that communities like yourself are fighting along side Kendall to beat this disease. Your school should be so proud.  Special thanks to my good friend, Coach Jeff Little, and the entire Radford coaching staff for allowing your players to wear the Team Kendall shirts for warmups. Thanks to the boosters for donating the 50/50 funds to Kendall and a big thanks to Mr. Frank Taylor for donating his winning amount. Good luck on a successful season.  It was so special to see both teams come together at the end of the game. Thanks Cave Spring & Radford. The Baynes



  1. Jeff Little says:

    Kendall and Jere,

    We were so glad you guys could make it down to the game. Both Bobcat teams really enjoyed getting to meet you and spend time with you. We are honored and blessed to be part of Team Kendall! You guys are in our thoughts and prayers.


  2. John Giesen says:

    Jere and Kendall,
    I was a pleasure having you at the game and we were honored to be able to help with this fundraiser. I enjoyed meeting you both, Kendall, thanks for drawing the winning 50/50 ticket! Good luck and know the Bobcats will be cheering for your success as you continue on this journey. Thoughts and prayers are with you, Merry Christmas!
    President, RHS Athletic Boosters

  3. Joyce Ellis (Kendall's Nana) says:

    There is no end to my feelings of thanks to everyone, but especially all of these (awesome teens) that just keep giving and supporting Kendall so willingly — and endlessly .

  4. Roy Dwyer says:

    Kendall, you have brought communities together in unimaginable ways. You are a blessing to all of us this Christmas season. Fight like a Knight!

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