Kendall had her portacath removed and replaced by Dr. Dinsmore Monday morning at Carilion Hospital. Unfortunately, the first one that she received was not easily accessible and was causing a few problems. She was a little uncomfortable yesterday and we hope this one will do its job. She also began her 5 days of chemo on top of this procedure receiving an 8 hour infusion last night. Like last time, she is tired and nauseous from the chemo and sleeping a lot from the anti-nausea medicines. Hopefully we can keep her hydrated and comfortable during these challenging few days. It’s very frustrating to watch her endure these hardships. Kendall’s determination and grit are amazing. She’s one tough girl! All of her nurses are so accommodating and taking great care of her. Thanks again for everyone on Team Kendall supporting and sending her well wishes. It helps us all stay focused and motivated for Kendall to be cancer free.
Also wanted to say thanks to the Brookville High Cheerleaders for donating and supporting Kendall last week during your cheer competition. We are so blessed to have everyone helping our Kendall beat this disease.
God Bless, The Baynes
We continue to think about you every minute of every day! Praying round two will pass quickly. Stay focused and determined!
We love you!
Hey Kendall. Only you can make a hospital gown look that cute! Praying round two goes smoother than round one. Love you! Elizabeth
We are praying for everything to go smoothly as possible for you and your family and we pray that you won’t have any sickness for this second round and stay hydrated. Hang in there and know you are covered in prayers. You will beat this battle Kendall. Praying for you and your family.
I came into Roanoke last week and had lunch with your Nana Joyce. I told her that there are prayers everywhere going up for you so you stay strong. I hope to meet you one day as you are an inspiration to me.
Hey Kendall stay strong girl My prayers are with you and my church is praying for you so keep strong and hang in there you are a tough girl. I love you Kendall! Zach Honaker
I hope round 2 goes by quickly. You remain in my thoughts and prayers.
Sharon Carroll
I am a Fraternity brother of your father. I have three kids. Rachel, Megan and Trent. 15, 13, and 10. I just wanted you to know that the prayers for you extend farther than you can ever imagine. Keep Strong!
Your strength and endurance are amazing. Keep fighting the fight, Lady Knight. You’re in our thoughts and prayers daily.
Susan Powell
You look amazing in that gown… your cousin Lauren, when she was little, used to say “you are purtty bootiful” We are still with you praying every day for you and your family.
Bayne Family,
Please know that your Back Creek family continues to pray for you daily. Brett, Noah, and I are huge fans of your family….keep up the fight!
We are so glad your Portacath Surgery went well. You are knocking Chemo off Round by Round, and each one brings you closer to your Goal. It is hard, but we know your strength. Much Love, Thoughts, and Prayers from, Nana and Frank
You are such a beautiful young lady even in a hospital gown! My prayers go up for you and your family every single day. You are such a fighter and I truly believe God will bring you good health soon. Love and prayers from my brother and from me. You have such a bright smile and I hope this second round will not make you feel too sick to read all of your get well prayers. God Bless you and your family.
I am still praying and cheering for you, Kendall. Glad I got to see you and also to see our two puppies playing together. Keep fighting and we’ll keep praying.
Prayers for Kendall always – you are so strong, and prayers also for her Mom, Dad and Brother. It is so hard to watch your child suffer these challenges. God’s blessings on all of you. You are always in our thoughts and prayers.
Kendall, regardless of what they do to you, they cannot take that trademark smile from your pretty face! Best wishes for a successful second round of your treatments. Your presence will be felt among your many Team Kendall friends as they attend their Friday night activities. I pray for a comfortable and peaceful weekend for you. Prayers and blessings for you and your family.
Hey Kendall! Glad to hear you are doing well! Keep up the fight! Never give up. We love you!
Ella S.
Hang in there Kendall. Try to remember that everything is temporary and laughter is the best medicine. I hope that someday soon you and Casey can meet. Until then stay strong and keep fighting, anything is possible if we all just BELIEVE!
“Of one thing I am certain, the body is not the measure of healing, peace is the measure.” ~Phyllis McGinley
Praying for peace of spirit AND healing of body. We think of you so often.
The Nanz Family
Praying for you! We love you and we know youll win this fight!
Just wanted to stop in and say, I have heard great things today from many and am so pumped about all of the good news! Have so much fun being the most appropriate princesses of CSHS possible! Every year! 9, 10, 11! You are such a leader, well spoken, beautiful, roll model for all young ladies! We love you girl and fully expect a little candy toss tomorrow afternoon, you know we will be at the “mouth” of the Mississippi! (Monsour) toss right! ;o)
Congratulations! <3
Keep on fighting, Kendall!!! As many of my friends have told me lately: “God is using you to His highest purpose and He isn’t finished using you to His highest calling!” God bless you and keep you strong!